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Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Industry (JEMI)
Published by Universitas Bakrie
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Core Subject : Economy,
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Industry (JEMI) merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang menyajikan artikel orisinal dari Multi dan lintas disiplin dalam bidang dunia usaha, bisnis, entrepreneurship, dan industri dengan format Bauran (mix) Artikel : Hasil Riset (full reaserch), mini riset, novelty, journey, best practice, resensi/review books; iklan dan produk kemitraan lainnya. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Industry (JEMI) dikelola oleh Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial Universitas Bakrie (FEIS UB)
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Articles 6 Documents
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Korelasi Antara Kompetensi Dan Kontribusi Universitas Terhadap Keterampilan Dan Kompetensi Alumni Djamaris, Aurino R A
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Industry (JEMI) Vol 1, No 01 (2018): Maret 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (450.239 KB) | DOI: 10.36782/jemi.v1i01.1786


To detect the quality of the graduates produced is not enough just to see its output, which is only seen from the ability of mastery of knowledge, skills and formal attitudes embodied in the Achievement Index achieved. It should also be detected from its outcome that is how many college graduates absorbed in the job market. Level absorbed graduates in the job market, and entrepreneurship is an indicator of the success of universities in graduated students (output). The subjects of this research are alumni of Bakrie University, graduated in 2015. The variables of this research are: (1) absorption of alumni in the job market and entrepreneurship; (2) waiting time to obtain employment; (3) suitability of jobs entered; and (4) perceptions of graduates on hard skills and soft skills. Methods of data collection are done through survey techniques. Based on the research data, it turns out that the waiting periods of alumni to get jobs of Bakrie University students graduated in 2015 to get ether job or entrepreneur has a mean of waiting periods 2,24 months, the graduate absorption rate for their first job is 96%. Those who work received the income range of work of 1 million rupiahs up to 30 million rupiahs per month (on average 7 million rupiahs). The types of jobs that can accommodate most (80%) are as employees of multinationals, national private companies, government (civil servant), 10% percent continue studies, and 5% run businesses/entrepreneurs. The alumni state that between what is given in the lecture and what they meet in the world of work has a very close or close relationship and their level of education has been in accordance with their field of work. Competence of graduates at the time both graduates in the form of hard skills and soft skills is quite good, while the highest average value is for internet use skills and the lowest value is the ability to negotiate. The average of alumni perception toward university contribution on graduate competencies good. The highest average value of university’s contributions is the ability to communicate and work with people in different cultures and backgrounds and the lowest score is the provision of general knowledge. From the correlation analysis results, there is a strong correlation between university contributions toward the competence of graduates. There is a strong correlation between the contribution of universities with the competence of graduates in the field of knowledge about the discipline of Science, knowledge of non-discipline of Science, hard skills competence and soft skills as well as managerial competences.
Rencana Bisnis Pengembangan Usaha Jasa AKI Kendaraan Berbasis Sistem Informasi Desyana, Desyana; Suwandi, Suwandi
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Industry (JEMI) Vol 1, No 01 (2018): Maret 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jemi.v1i01.1787


This final assignment journal contains summary of the Babal Aki business plan about the development of e-commerce system with an online store and smartphone applications, resellers system, and manufacturing cooperation to make their own brands. This journal explained a few things about the current business processes of Babal Aki and the development plans for the next 5 years.The analysis conducted includes analysis of the marketing mix, SWOT, Blue Ocean Strategy, competitors, and also the Business Model Canvas. In its development plan, it also contained some information relating to the financial of Babal Aki, as well as information on funding, profit and loss, and balance sheets of Babal Aki.
Pengaruh Green Product Terhadap Minat Pembelian Ulang (Studi pada Produk Lampu LED Merek PHILIPS) Al Lathifah, Aisyah Rizki; Widyastuti, Dominica A.
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Industry (JEMI) Vol 1, No 01 (2018): Maret 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (760.347 KB) | DOI: 10.36782/jemi.v1i01.1790


The purpose of this research is to examine the Philips LED lamp product known as Green Product and intention in the purchase of the product. Sampling method using Accidental Sampling technique with 110 respondents who are consumers of Philips LED Products brand. In this study using Simple Linear Regression Analysis. Hypothesis of this research is Green Product have positive and significant effect to intention of repurchase.
Respon Anggota Terhadap Pelayanan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Suwandi, Suwandi
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Industry (JEMI) Vol 1, No 01 (2018): Maret 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.032 KB) | DOI: 10.36782/jemi.v1i01.1791


Fungsi utamanya KSP/USP menjalankan kegiatan simpan dan pinjam, Fenomena yang ada adalah bahwa KSP/USP Koperasi jumlahnya demikian banyak, menyebar di berbagai tempat di Indonesia dan di dalam lingungan lembaga keuangan dimana juga telah ada lembaga keuangan bank serta industry keuangan bukan bank yang pasti lebih kuat dan lebih mapan dan memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Dalam keadaan demikian itulah, maka kajian ini bermaksud hendak mengetahui seberapa tinggi respon anggota koperasi terhadap layanan koperasi. Tingkat respon tersebut menjadi rujukan penting untuk mendalami daya tahan KSP/USP dan arah perkuatannya. Metode penelitian focus pada analisisi deskriptif dengan pendekatan sampel data sekunder  hasil survey Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM terhadap KSP/USP di Provinsi Aceh, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Sulawesi Selatan, data tabel survey tahun 2014 mengenai penghimpunan dana, pengelolaan dan penyaluran dana. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan adanya keragaan (performance) respon anggota terhadap aktivitas pelayanan KSP/USP Koperasi, baik pada aktivitas penghimpunan dana, pengolahan dana maupun penyaluran dana. Respon anggota secara keseluruhan aktivitas KSP/USP adalah ‘baik’, meskipun demikian masih terdapat (sedikit) persolan yang dihadapi oleh KSP/USP, yaitu ternyata masih ada tanggapan: Anggota ataupun non anggota yang belum percaya untuk menyimpan dananya di KSP/USP Koperasi, Anggota dan non anggota yang  masih menganggap proses pengelolaan dana dan pengawasan oleh KSP/USP belum memadai. Sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki oleh KSP/USP dianggap belum memadai untuk memberikan kepercayaan anggota Anggota dan non anggota berpendapat menikmati adanya kenyamanan ketika bertransakasi di KSP/USP Koperasi, sekalipun  sarana dan prasarana belum memadai.
Pengaruh Persepsi Harga, Kualitas Produk, Citra Merek, dan Layanan Purna Jual Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Smartphone Asus. Studi Kasus di PT. Datascrip Cahya, Nur; Shihab, Muchsin Saggaff
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Industry (JEMI) Vol 1, No 01 (2018): Maret 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (713.036 KB) | DOI: 10.36782/jemi.v1i01.1792


This study aims to analyze the effect of perceive price, product quality, brand image and after sales service on purchase decision and the implications on customer satisfaction of Asus smartphone. This research is descriptive-quantitative in nature. Secondary data was obtained through various journals, books and related information. Primary data were obtained using questionnaire distributed to Asus customers in Datascrip service center. Using incidental sampling technique, a total sample of 245 Asus customers were obtained. Path analysis was employeds. Various statistical tests such as validity, reliability, normality tests were employed. The results showed that the variables’ of perceive price, product quality, brand image and after sales service partially and simultaneously had a significant and positive effect on purchase decision. Furthermore, only the variables of after sales service were found to have a direct effect on customer satisfaction. Purchase decision has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. In order to increase purchasing decision, it is recommended that Asus to pay attention to brand image by creating products that have attractive physical identities, in terms of packaging, color and design, and to create customer satisfaction should pay attention to facilities and infrastructure of service center as much as possible.
Rencana Bisnis "Melati Wibowo Sekar" Dengan Menggunakan Strategi Diferensiasi Produk Wibowo, Elly Listya
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Industry (JEMI) Vol 1, No 01 (2018): Maret 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jemi.v1i01.1793


Rencana bisnis ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi, menganalisis serta mengembangkan strategi bisnis Wibowo Sekar terkait dengan diferensiasi produk yang akan dijual Wibowo Sekar dalam pengembangannya. Rencana bisnis ini menggunakan analisis pada empat kelayakan bisnis yaitu produk, industri, organisasi dan keuangan. Rencana bisnis ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana Wibowo Sekar akan mengembangkan usahanya dengan menambah jenis produk yang akan dijual sehingga tidak melati saja sehingga pendapatan yang akan diperoleh akan meningkat. Diharapkan rencana bisnis yang dihasilkan dapat membantu pengembangannya sampai lima tahun kedepan.

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